
  • 71part-timer — ˌpart ˈtimer noun [countable] JOBS someone who only works for part of the week: • We employ about 20 part timers, mainly women who have children. * * * part timer UK US noun [C] HR, WORKPLACE ► a person who works for only some of the day or the… …

    Financial and business terms

  • 72part, share, portion — Part is the usual word for something less than the whole : Here is part of the treasure. For my part, I ask nothing. Share also means part but specifically refers to that which is allotted or designed for someone; it emphasizes the receiver: I… …

    Dictionary of problem words and expressions

  • 73part-time — adv. For less than the usual full time appropriate to an activity; on a part time basis; as, to sell real estate part time. Opposed to {full time}. [WordNet 1.5] …

    The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • 74part-timer — n. Somone who works part time; a part time employee. Contrasted with {full timer}. [WordNet 1.5] …

    The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • 75Part-based models — refers to a broad class of detection algorithms used on images, in which various parts of the image are used separately in order to determine if and where an object of interest exists. Among these methods, a very popular one seems to be the… …


  • 76part delivery or part release — part delivery (or part release) The delivery by a Transit Shed Operator of part of a Customs released consignment. HM Customs & Revenue Glossary …

    Financial and business terms

  • 77part-payment — ˌpart ˈpayment also ˌpartial ˈpayment noun [countable, uncountable] ACCOUNTING a payment that is part of the total payment for something; =payment on account: • Gift certificates can be used to purchase or as part payment for any product in the… …

    Financial and business terms

  • 78part-own — UK US verb [T] PROPERTY, FINANCE ► to be one of the people, groups, etc. that each own part of something: »Local residents will be given the chance to part own the new hydroelectric plant by purchasing discounted shares. »Together with another… …

    Financial and business terms

  • 79part-owned — UK US adjective (also partly owned) PROPERTY, FINANCE ► used to describe a company that has other owners or whose shares are owned by another company: be part owned by sb/sth »Beijing s largest daily newspaper is part owned by a South African… …

    Financial and business terms

  • 80part-time — n. A working schedule occupying less than full time, i.e. less than 35 hours per week. Syn: part time. [WordNet 1.5] …

    The Collaborative International Dictionary of English