- Wonderbra
- Wonderbra,der:
⇨ Büstenhalter
Das Wörterbuch der Synonyme. 2013.
Das Wörterbuch der Synonyme. 2013.
Wonderbra — Création 1935 Dates clés 1961, 1964 Activité Industrie textile … Wikipédia en Français
Wonderbra™ — [Wonderbra] noun a popular make of ↑bra (= an item of underwear that women wear to support their breasts). Wonderbras, which were introduced in 1968, make the breasts appear larger. They became very well known in Britain in the 1990s after a… … Useful english dictionary
Wonderbra — The Wonderbra is a type of push up brassiere that gained worldwide prominence in the 1990s. Although the Wonderbra name was first trademarked in the U.S. in 1935,cite web| url=http://tarr.uspto.gov/servlet/tarr?regser=registration entry=612231 |… … Wikipedia
Wonderbra — Un wonderbra canadiense del año 1975. El Wonderbra (sujetador maravilloso) es un tipo de sujetador realzador que ganó prominencia mundial en la década de 1990. Aunque el nombre Wonderbra fue registrado en los Estados Unidos en 1935,[1] … Wikipedia Español
Wonderbra — Ein kanadisches Modell des Wonderbra (ca. 1975). Wonderbra ist eine Markenbezeichnung für einen sogenannten Push up Büstenhalter (engl.: brassiere oder kurz bra). Das Besondere an dieser Art BHs sind feste, oft mit Drahtbügeln verstärkte Körbchen … Deutsch Wikipedia
Wonderbra — The original push up bra was created by designer Louise Poirier in 1964. In 1994, the Wonderbra Push Up bra took the country by storm the garment was sold at the rate of one every fifteen seconds. While there have been many imitators since… … Historical Dictionary of the Fashion Industry
wonderbra — {{#}}{{LM W40331}}{{〓}} {{[}}wonderbra{{]}} {{《}}▍ s.m.{{》}} Sujetador con relleno, que da volumen al busto y lo realza. {{★}}{{\}}ETIMOLOGÍA:{{/}} Extensión del nombre de la marca comercial Wonderbra®. {{★}}{{\}}PRONUNCIACIÓN:{{/}} [uonderbrá] … Diccionario de uso del español actual con sinónimos y antónimos
Wonderbra — noun a) As The Wonderbra, a push up, plunge style brassiere style originally designed and manufactured by the Canadian Lady Corset Company beginning in 1961. b) An international brand of womens intimate apparel that has included brassieres,… … Wiktionary
Wonderbra Women — were women who were recruited by the Sara Lee Company in 1994 when they reintroduced the iconic and highly successful Wonderbra push up, plunge bra to the United States. It was thought that having an international group of exciting women models… … Wikipedia
Wonderbra{™} — n a popular make of bra (= an item of underwear that women wear to support their breasts). Wonderbras, which were introduced in 1968, make the breasts appear larger. They became very well known in Britain in the 1990s after a major advertising… … Universalium