- Ticktack
- Ticktack,die:
⇨ Uhr(1)
Das Wörterbuch der Synonyme. 2013.
Das Wörterbuch der Synonyme. 2013.
Ticktack — Tick tack , n. [See {Tick} to beat, to pat, and (for sense 2) cf. {Tricktrack}.] 1. A noise like that made by a clock or a watch. [1913 Webster] 2. A kind of backgammon played both with men and pegs; tricktrack. [1913 Webster] A game at ticktack… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Ticktack — Tick tack , adv. With a ticking noise, like that of a watch. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Ticktack — Sfn Uhr std. kind. (19. Jh.) Stammwort. Lautmalend (ticken). deutsch d … Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen sprache
ticktack — or tictac [tik′tak΄] n. [echoic redupl. of TICK1] 1. a recurring sound like the ticking of a clock 2. a device for making a tapping sound on a windowpane or door as a prank: it consists typically of a weight hung next to the window, etc. and… … English World dictionary
ticktack — /tik tak /, n. 1. a repetitive sound, as of ticking, tapping, knocking, or clicking: the ticktack of high heels in the corridor. 2. a device for making a tapping sound, as against a window or door in playing a practical joke. v.i. 3. to make a… … Universalium
ticktack! — ticken: Das seit dem 18. Jh. bezeugte Verb ist von der Interjektion »tick!« abgeleitet. Diese Interjektion ahmt den Laut nach, wie ihn Uhren, Holzwürmer u. a. hervorbringen; verbunden mit »tack!« steht sie in ticktack! (18. Jh.) … Das Herkunftswörterbuch
ticktack — I noun system of signalling by hand signs used by bookmakers at racetracks • Regions: ↑United Kingdom, ↑UK, ↑U.K., ↑Britain, ↑United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, ↑Great Britain … Useful english dictionary
ticktack — or tictac noun Etymology: reduplication of tick Date: 1549 1. a ticking or tapping beat like that of a clock or watch 2. a contrivance used by children to tap on a window from a distance … New Collegiate Dictionary
ticktack! — tịck|tack! 〈Int.〉 (Nachahmung des Tickens) … Universal-Lexikon
ticktack — tịck|tạck <Interj.>: lautm. für das ↑ Ticken (1 a) (bes. einer Uhr). * * * Tịck|tạck, die; , s (Kinderspr.): Uhr … Universal-Lexikon