

Das Wörterbuch der Synonyme. 2013.

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  • supranational — supranational, ale, aux [ sypranasjɔnal, o ] adj. • supra national 1911; de supra et national ♦ Dr. Placé au dessus des institutions nationales. Organisme supranational. Par ext. Décision supranationale. ● supranational, supranationale,… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • supranaţional — SUPRANAŢIONÁL adj. transnaţional. (Întreprindere supranaţional.) Trimis de siveco, 31.05.2008. Sursa: Sinonime  supranaţionál adj. → naţional Trimis de siveco, 13.09.2007. Sursa: Dicţionar ortografic  SUPRANAŢIONÁL, Ă adj. Care aparţine unui… …   Dicționar Român

  • supranational — adj. Transcending national boundaries, concerns, or governments. The Essential Law Dictionary. Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. Amy Hackney Blackwell. 2008. supranational greater than a state. More s …   Law dictionary

  • supranational — su‧pra‧na‧tion‧al [ˌsuːprəˈnæʆnəl] adjective ECONOMICS involving more than one country: • We will focus on the way supranational economic forces affect us. * * *    An agency which raises money in world capital markets to fund investment in… …   Financial and business terms

  • supranational — [so͞o΄prənash′ə nəl] adj. of, for, involving, or over all nations or a number of nations [supranational authority] …   English World dictionary

  • supranational — 1908, from SUPRA (Cf. supra ) + NATIONAL (Cf. national) …   Etymology dictionary

  • supranational — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ having power or influence that transcends national boundaries or governments …   English terms dictionary

  • Supranational — Supranationalität (von lateinisch supra, „über“, und natio, „Volk“ bzw. „Staat“) ist ein Begriff des Völkerrechts und der Politikwissenschaft, genauer der Lehre der internationalen Beziehungen. Er bedeutet eine Verlagerung von Zuständigkeiten von …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • supranational — [[t]su͟ːprənæ̱ʃənəl[/t]] also supra national ADJ: ADJ n A supranational organization or authority involves or relates to more than one country. ...NATO and other Western supranational institutions …   English dictionary

  • supranational — adjective Date: 1908 transcending national boundaries, authority, or interests < a supranational authority, regulating ocean usage N. H. Jacoby > • supranationalism noun • supranationalist noun • supranationality noun …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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