Sophist — (v. gr.), bedeutet eigentlich denjenigen, welcher im Stande ist Andere klug, einsichtig u. weise zu machen. Protagoras (s.d.) soll der erste gewesen[300] sein, welcher sich diesen Namen ausdrücklich beilegte; im 5. Jahrh. v. Chr. wurde er auf die … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Sophist — Soph ist, n. [F. sophiste, L. sophistes, fr. Gr. ?. See {Sophism}.] 1. One of a class of men who taught eloquence, philosophy, and politics in ancient Greece; especially, one of those who, by their fallacious but plausible reasoning, puzzled… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Sophist — Sophist, allgemein: Trugredner (holländ. drogredenaar) … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
sophist — 1540s, earlier sophister (late 14c.), from L. sophista, sophistes, from Gk. sophistes, from sophizesthai to become wise or learned, from sophos wise, clever, of unknown origin. Gk. sophistes came to mean one who gives intellectual instruction for … Etymology dictionary
sophist — ► NOUN ▪ a person who uses clever but false arguments. DERIVATIVES sophistic adjective sophistical adjective … English terms dictionary
sophist — [säf′ist] n. [L sophista < Gr sophistēs, wise man: see SOPHISM] 1. [often S ] in ancient Greece, any of a group of teachers of rhetoric, politics, philosophy, etc., some of whom were notorious for their clever, specious arguments 2. any person … English World dictionary
sophist — /sof ist/, n. 1. (often cap.) Gk. Hist. a. any of a class of professional teachers in ancient Greece who gave instruction in various fields, as in general culture, rhetoric, politics, or disputation. b. a person belonging to this class at a later … Universalium
Sophist — Die Sophistik, von griechisch σοφιστής (sophistés) „Weisheitsbringer“ (seinerzeit geläufige Berufsbezeichnung für Lehrer), ist aus heute landläufiger (nachplatonischer) Sicht eine geistige Strömung der griechischen Antike. In herabsetzender Weise … Deutsch Wikipedia
Sophist Productions — is an event production company based in Long Island City, New York.It uses branded entertainment to audiovisually and interactively entertain its audience, such as using music videos, special effects, live feeds from the audience and digital… … Wikipedia
Sophist (dialogue) — The Sophist (Greek: Σοφιστής) is one of the late Dialogues of Plato, which was written much later than the Parmenides and the Theaetetus , probably in 360 BC. After he criticized his own Theory of Forms in the Parmenides , Plato proceeds in the… … Wikipedia